John Henry just spent 217 million on David Price’s arm. Surely, he has the money and mojo to demand those who deliver his prized paper enjoy basic labor protections. Fellow Boston Globe subscribers, guaranteeing this is the continuous coverage we actually need.
Boston 2024 is so 90210. Athletes and connected rich kids are at the cool table where decisions get made. The Andrea Zuckerman’s of the world, ie the rest of us, are not included. We’ll just have to look on as Kelly, Dylan, Brenda, and the gang decide what is best for West Beverly – er, Boston and a Boston Olympics.
That is unless anti-Olympic mobilization continues and further solidifies. As Political Scientist Jules Boykoff has shown in his comprehensive study or the Olympics and activism, protest and local discontent dissuades the risk-adverse International Olympic Committee (IOC). Activism and opposition works with the IOC and has repeatedly affected the IOC’s decisions.
So the task is simple: Rise up, Andrea’s!
Ideas on how to fix the T are manifold in policy circles but, unfortunately, neoliberal solutions—replicating private laissez-faire market practices and values in government—seem to be dominating Governor Baker’s favored fixes. The research suggests it will be the less affluent who pay if neoliberalism wins.