In less than one week, Boston voters will either give Mayor Marty Walsh a second term or hand the reins of the city government to his challenger, City Councilor Tito Jackson. The Scrum invited Walsh and Jackson to answer a few lingering questions and then make their final pitch to the electorate. Walsh wasn't able to participate, but Jackson was. Take a listen as he makes his case.
We've reached the stretch drive in Boston's mayoral race, with one Marty Walsh-Tito Jackson debate already on the books and one more slated for October 24. Adam Reilly and Peter Kadzis talk to Boston political scribe extraordinaire David Bernstein about the questions he thinks Jackson and Walsh still need to answer before voters head to the polls on November 7.

McKay Coppins, senior political writer at Buzzfeed News, weighs in on the Republican race for the presidential nomination (and explains what it's like to get in a flame war with Donald Trump.)