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steve coll

Steve Coll, the dean of the Columbia Graduate School of Journalism, has published a comprehensive report on a Rolling Stone story about a brutal gang rape at the University of Virginia. The report finds the magazine fell short on multiple counts, citing faulty reporting, editing and fact checking. It’s a bad day for journalism, but Columbia and other colleges and universities are hoping the 12,000-word report shows why journalism schools still matter today.

Big data. Twitter. Media startups. The way we all communicate and consume the news has changed significantly, and journalism schools are racing to keep up -- to teach their students the skills necessary in a rapidly shifting media landscape. 

Last year, Columbia University's Graduate School of Journalism revamped its curriculum and students are now learning how to tweet and write code. Steve Coll is dean of the journalism school. WGBH's On Campus recently sat down with Coll to talk about professional higher education.

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