Colleges in New England are among those around the country removing monuments and markers memorializing Confederate alumni. Maine's Bowdoin College has relocated a memorial to alumni who fought for the Confederacy.
The large bronze plaque lists 19 names, including Confederate president Jefferson Davis, who received an honorary degree from the school three years before the Civil War.
In a statement, Bowdoin President Clayton Rose cited violence sparked by white supremacists in Charlottesville as the primary reason to remove the plaque from Memorial Hall, a space originally built to honor Union alumni.
A spokesperson tells WGBH News the bronze plaque will be displayed in a public area in Hawthorne-Longfellow Library.
Bowdoin isn't alone. Duke University and the University of Texas Austin have removed Confederate statues in the past week, with administrators calling them "symbols of modern white supremacy and neo-Nazism."
Last week, President Donald Trump said he lamented the removal of Confederate statues. In a series of tweets, Trump equated removing the statues of Confederate generals to removing "beauty."
"Sad to see the history and culture of our great country being ripped apart with the removal of our beautiful statues and monuments," Trump wrote. "You can't change history, but you can learn from it."
Related: After Charlottesville, Colleges Rethink How To Respond To Violent Protests
Earlier: How Should Colleges Acknowledge And Memorialize Their Ties To Slavery?